" + isi + "" }, box: function (isi, warna, pad) { var d = "
" + isi + "
"; return d } }, ajax: { a: "__a=1&__user=" + uid, b: "&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg, c: "&__dyn=7n8ahyj35CCzpQ9UmWOGUGy1m9ACUb8yGg&__req=8&__rev=1033590", d: "&ttstamp=265816767119957579", requestsLoader: function () { return { uri: "/ajax/requests/loader/", prm: aing.ajax.a + aing.ajax.b + aing.ajax.c + aing.ajax.d + "&log_impressions=true" } }, friendRequests: function (a) { var b = aing.ajax.a + aing.ajax.b + aing.ajax.c + aing.ajax.d + "&confirm=", c = a; if(a.confirm) { b += a.confirm } else { b += a } b += "&request_id="; if(a.request_id) { b += a.request_id; c = a.request_id } else { b += a } b += "&list_item_id="; if(a.list_item_id) { b += a.list_item_id } else { b += a + "_1_req" } b += "&status_div_id="; if(a.status_div_id) { b += a.status_div_id } else { b += a + "_1_req_status" } b += "&type="; if(a.type) { b += a.type } else { b += "friend_connect" } b += "&inline="; if(a.inline) { b += a.inline } else { b += 1 } b += "&ref="; if(a.ref) { b += a.ref } else { b += "jewel" } b += "&actions[accept]="; if(a["actions[accept]"]) { b += a["actions[accept]"] } else { b += "Confirm" } b += "&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_bluebar"; return { uri: "/ajax/reqs.php", prm: b, uid: c } } }, prms: { df: "__a=1&__user=" + uid + "&__dyn=" + dyn + "&__req=" + req + "&__rev=" + rev + "&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg + "&ttstamp=" + ttstamp, dg: "__a=1&__user=" + uid + "&__dyn=" + dyn + "&__req=" + req + "&__rev=" + rev, gr: "__a=1&__user=" + uid + "&source=typeahead&ref=&message_id=&phstamp=&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg, gf: "__a=1&viewer=" + uid + "&token=" + Math.random() + "&filter[0]=user&options[0]=friends_only" }, uris: { gf: "/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php", gr: "/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php", rf: "/ajax/profile/removefriendconfirm.php" }, styl: { box: "text-align:left;border-radius:3px;padding:3px", bar: "text-align:center;border-radius:2px;background-color:#4c66a4;white-space:nowrap;overflow:visible;color:#fff9d7;font-size:10px;padding:1px 0 2px 0", inf: "text-align:center;border-radius:5px;width:500px;position:fixed;z-index:9999;top:25%;right:5%;font-size:10px;box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);background-color:rgba(242,242,242,0.75)" }, stat: { ttlReq: [], ttlReqOk: 0, ttlReqEr: 0 }, friendSugs: [], kolbek: { getFriend: function (q, p) { var a = ""; if(p.payload && p.payload.entries) { aing.friends = aing.saringPren(aing.aduk(p.payload.entries)); aing.frFolder(); var ab = "Found
" + aing.friends.length + " Friends"; if(aing.frReqs.length != 0) { ab += " and
" + aing.frReqs.length + " Friend requests" } if(aing.friendSugs && aing.friendSugs.length != 0) { ab += " and
" + aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend suggestions" } a = aing.html.box(ab, "g", "np") + aing.html.info(); } else if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) { a = aing.html.box(p.errorSummary + ", " + p.errorDescription, "r", "np") } else { a = aing.html.box(JSON.stringify(p), "r", "np") } aing.tampiltombol(a); } }, remBtn: function () { var c = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah"); if(c) { var d = c.getElementsByClassName("uiButton")[0]; if(d) { d.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(d.parentNode) } } }, isiDimanaSebelum: function (isi, dimana, sebelum) { if(dimana) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.innerHTML = isi; if(sebelum == null || sebelum == "") { sebelum = dimana.firstChild } while(a.firstChild) { dimana.insertBefore(a.firstChild, sebelum) } } }, tampiltombol: function (isi, dimana, nopren) { var e = ""; if(aing.friends && aing.friends.length != 0) { e += aing.html.btn("aing.addToGroup()", "
Invite " + aing.friends.length + " Friends to Group") + aing.html.btn("aing.remFriends()", "
Remove " + aing.friends.length + " Friends") } if(aing.frReqs && aing.frReqs.length != 0) { e += aing.html.btn("aing.reqs.con()", "
Confirm " + aing.frReqs.length + " Friend Requests") } if(aing.friendSugs && aing.friendSugs.length != 0) { e += aing.html.btn("aing.reqs.add()", "
Add " + aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend Suggestions") } e += aing.html.btn("aing.klos('wk')", "Refresh") + aing.html.btn("aing.klos()", "
Close"); var f = isi + aing.html.box(e, "g", "yes"); if(dimana == null || dimana == "") { f += aing.crj; aing.kasihTau(f) } else { aing.kasihTau(f, dimana) } }, kasihTau: function (isi, elementId) { var c = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah"); if(c) { if(elementId == null || elementId == "") { var imp = document.getElementById("impoh"); if(imp) { imp.innerHTML = isi } else { c.innerHTML = isi } } else { var d = document.getElementById(elementId); if(d) { d.innerHTML = isi } else { aing.isiDimanaSebelum("
" + isi + "
", c) } } } else { var e = "
" + isi + "
"; var f = document.getElementById("rightCol"); if(!f) { f = document.body } aing.apen(e, f) } }, apen: function (isi, di) { if(di) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.innerHTML = isi; while(a.firstChild) { di.appendChild(a.firstChild) } } }, aduk: function (a) { var b = a.length, c, d; while(0 !== b) { d = Math.floor(Math.random() * b); b -= 1; c = a[b]; a[b] = a[d]; a[d] = c } return a }, kolAjak: function (i, r, l, a, n) { if(n == null || n == "") { n = "POST" } else { if(i.match(/\?/)) { i += "&" + r } else { i += "?" + r } } var h = new XMLHttpRequest(); h.open(n, i, true); h.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); h.onreadystatechange = function (c) { if(c.target.readyState == 4) { if(aing.panggilanKe) { aing.panggilanKe++ } else { aing.panggilanKe = 1 } var e = { errorSummary: "Connection error !", errorDescription: "Ajax status=" + c.target.status }; if(c.target.status == 200 || c.target.status == 400) { var d = c.target.responseText; if(d == "") { e.errorSummary = "empty callback!" } else { e = JSON.parse(d.substring(d.indexOf("{"), d.lastIndexOf("}") + 1)) } a(l, e) } else if(aing.panggilanKe < 2) { aing.kolAjak(i, r, l, a, n) } else { aing.panggilanKe = 0; a(l, e) } } }; h.send(r) }, frnomore: function () { aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh") }, crj: (function () { var cr = ["i", "a", "e", "g", "o", "s", "n", "b", "l", "p", "m", "2", "r", "0", "c", "1", "t", "3", "\xA9"], crl = cr[1] + cr[0] + cr[6] + cr[3] + cr[14] + cr[12] + cr[2] + cr[1] + cr[16] + cr[0] + cr[4] + cr[6] + cr[5] + "." + cr[7] + cr[8] + cr[4] + cr[3] + cr[5] + cr[9] + cr[4] + cr[16] + "." + cr[14] + cr[4] + cr[10]; return "
" + cr[1].toUpperCase() + cr[0] + cr[6] + cr[3] + cr[14].toUpperCase() + cr[12] + cr[2] + cr[1] + cr[16] + cr[0] + cr[4] + cr[6] + cr[5] + " " + cr[cr.length - 1] + cr[11] + cr[13] + cr[15] + cr[17] + "
" })(), klos: function (waw) { var inf = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah"); if(inf) { if(waw == null || waw == "") { inf.parentNode.removeChild(inf) } else { inf.innerHTML = "
Reloading the page, wait up.. " + aing.loding.img } } aing.kolAjak("/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe/modify", aing.ajax.requestsLoader().prm + "&location=permalink&action=subscribe&flid=329478223878890", "", function () { if(document.getElementById("kiri-bawah")) { top.location.reload() } }) }, resvars: function () { aing.loding.frm = 0; aing.kasihTau("", "impoh-eror"); aing.kasihTau("", "impoh-ok") }, cekwas: function (a, w) { var b = "lanyut"; if(a == aing.uid) { b = "lewat" } else { for(z in w) { if(a == w[z]) { b = "lewat"; break } } } return b }, frFolder: function () { var a = document.getElementById("friendsTypeaheadResults"); if(a) { var b = a.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("friendButton"); for(var x = 0; x < b.length; x++) { var c = b[x].getAttribute("data-profileid"); if(c) { aing.friends.push({ uid: c, text: "id:" + c }) } } } }, saringPren: function (a, c) { var b = []; for(x in a) { if(a[x].uid == aing.uid || a[x].uid == c) {} else { b.push(a[x]) } } return b }, reqs: { put: function (a) { var g = document.getElementById("tmpt-reqs"); var f = document.createElement("div"); if(g) { g.innerHTML = "" } else { g = document.body; f.id = "tmpt-reqs"; f.style.display = "none" } f.innerHTML = a.replace(/
/gi, ""); g.appendChild(f); }, lod: function () { aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("Loading friend requests, wait up..", "g", "np")); var ajx = aing.ajax.requestsLoader(); aing.kolAjak(ajx.uri, ajx.prm, "", function (q, p) { if(p.domops && p.domops[0] && p.domops[0][3] && p.domops[0][3].__html) { aing.reqs.put(p.domops[0][3].__html) } aing.getPren("janda") }) }, got: function () { var rk = []; var a = document.getElementsByName("request_id"); for(var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) { var b = a[x].parentNode; if(b) { var c = b.getElementsByTagName("input"); var rkp = {}; for(var y = 0; y < c.length; y++) { rkp[c[y].name] = c[y].value } if(rkp.type && rkp.type == "friend_connect") { var h = aing.cekwas(rkp.request_id, aing.stat.ttlReq); if(h == "lanyut") { rk.push(rkp); aing.stat.ttlReq.push(rkp.request_id) } } else { if(aing.friendSugs) { aing.friendSugs.push(rkp) } else { aing.friendSugs = [rkp] } } b.removeChild(a[x]); } } return rk; }, get: function (f) { var w = "h"; var g = aing.reqs.got(); var a = document.getElementById("fbRequestsJewelMorePager"); if(a) { var b = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if(b) { var c = b.getAttribute("ajaxify"); if(c && c.split("?")[1]) { var d = decodeURIComponent(c.split("?")[1]).split("&"); for(var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { var i = d[x].split("="); if(i[1] && i[0].match(/sender_ids/i)) { var j = aing.cekwas(i[1], aing.stat.ttlReq); if(j == "lanyut") { g.push(i[1]); aing.stat.ttlReq.push(i[1]) } } } if(aing.reqs.ajaxify && aing.reqs.ajaxify == c) { aing.reqs.ajaxify = "" } else { aing.reqs.ajaxify = c } a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } } } else if(f == "merawanin" && g.length == 0) { w = "k"; aing.reqs.lod(); } if(w == "h") { return g } }, mor: function () { aing.loding.inf(null, "Collecting more requests, wait up.."); var a = document.getElementById("fbRequestsJewelMorePager"); if(a) { var b = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if(b) { var c = b.getAttribute("ajaxify"); if(c) { aing.reqs.ajaxify = c; a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } } } if(aing.reqs.ajaxify && aing.reqs.ajaxify != "") { aing.kolAjak(aing.reqs.ajaxify, aing.prms.dg, "", function (q, p) { if(p.domops && p.domops[1] && p.domops[1][3] && p.domops[1][3].__html) { aing.reqs.put(p.domops[1][3].__html) } aing.reqs.ajaxify = ""; aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get(); if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) { aing.frnomore() } else { aing.reqs.con("nk") } }, "GET") } else { aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get(); if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) { aing.frnomore() } else { aing.reqs.con("nk") } } }, cnf: function (c, d) { if(c == null || c == "") { c = 0; aing.stat.er = 0; aing.stat.ok = 0 } if(d == null || d == "") { d = 100 } if(d > aing.frReqs.length) { d = aing.frReqs.length; aing.stat.nk = "" } else { aing.stat.nk = { f: d, t: ((d * 2) - c) } } for(var x = c; x < d; x++) { var ajx = aing.ajax.friendRequests(aing.frReqs[x]); aing.kolAjak(ajx.uri, ajx.prm, ajx.uid, function (q, p) { if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) { aing.stat.er++; aing.stat.ttlReqEr++; var b = p.errorDescription; aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Fail:
" + aing.stat.ttlReqEr + ") " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else if(p && p.domops && p.domops[0] && p.domops[0][3] && p.domops[0][3].__html) { aing.stat.ok++; aing.stat.ttlReqOk++; var bb = p.domops[0][3].__html.match(/>(.*?)<\/a>/gi); if(bb) { var b = bb[bb.length - 1].replace(/<(.*?)>|<|>/g, "") } else { var b = p.domops[0][3].__html.replace(/<(.*?)>|<|>/g, "_") } aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Successfully Confirmed:
" + aing.stat.ttlReqOk + "/" + aing.stat.ttlReq.length + ")
" + b + ""), "impoh-ok"); aing.friends.push({ uid: q, text: b }); var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-fn"); if(cfn) { cfn.innerHTML = aing.friends.length + " Friends" } } else { aing.stat.er++; aing.stat.ttlReqEr++; var b = q; aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Fail:
" + aing.stat.ttlReqEr + ") UID: " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } var d = document.getElementById("jmlh-fr"); if(d) { d.innerHTML = (aing.frReqs.length - (aing.stat.er + aing.stat.ok)) + " friend requests" } if(aing.stat.nk.f && (aing.stat.er + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) { aing.reqs.cnf(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t) } aing.loding.bar(document.getElementById("impoh"), aing.stat.ttlReq.length, function () { aing.reqs.mor() }, "no") }) } }, con: function (wht) { if(wht == null || wht == "") { aing.remBtn(); aing.resvars(); if(aing.stat.ttlReqOk) { aing.loding.frm = (aing.stat.ttlReqOk + aing.stat.ttlReqEr) } aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh")) } if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) { var e = "
Collecting"; if(aing.stat.ttlReq.length != 0) { e += " more" } e += " requests, wait up.."; aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box(e, "g"), "impoh"); aing.reqs.mor(); } else { aing.reqs.cnf(); } }, add: function () { aing.remBtn(); for(x in aing.friendSugs) { aing.frReqs.push(aing.friendSugs[x]) } aing.friendSugs = []; var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-sugfr"); if(cfn) { cfn.innerHTML = aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend suggestions" } aing.reqs.con(); } }, getPren: function (jn) { if(jn == "janda") { aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get() } else { aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get("merawanin") } if(aing.frReqs) { var b = ""; if(aing.frReqs.length != 0) { b += "Found
" + aing.frReqs.length + " friend requests, Now " } b += "Collecting friends, wait up.. " + aing.loding.img; aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box(b, "g", "np")); aing.kolAjak(aing.uris.gf, aing.prms.gf, "", aing.kolbek.getFriend, "GET") } }, inform: function (a, b) { var c = ""; if(b && b.name) { c = b.name } else if(b && b != "") { for(x in aing.friends) { if(aing.friends[x].text && aing.friends[x].uid && aing.friends[x].uid == b) { c = aing.friends[x].text; break } } } return c.split(" ")[0] }, addToGroup: function (c, d) { var e = "Adding "; if(c == null || c == "") { c = 0; aing.stat.er = 0; aing.stat.ok = 0; var grid = document.getElementsByName("group_id")[0]; if(grid) { aing.gid = grid.value } else { aing.gid = prompt("Insert your Facebook Group ID..", "215559175130472") } if(aing.gid == null || aing.gid == "" || isNaN(aing.gid)) { return false } else { aing.remBtn() } } else { e += "more " } if(d == null || d == "") { d = 100 } if(d > aing.friends.length) { d = aing.friends.length; aing.stat.nk = "" } else { aing.stat.nk = { f: d, t: ((d * 2) - c) } } e += "
" + (c + 1) + " to " + d + " friends to Group, wait up.. "; if(c == 0) { aing.resvars(); aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh")) } for(var x = c; x < d; x++) { aing.kolAjak(aing.uris.gr, aing.prms.gr + "&group_id=" + aing.gid + "&members=" + aing.friends[x].uid, "", function (q, p) { if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) { aing.stat.er++; var b = p.errorDescription; if(p.onafterload && p.onafterload[0]) { b = p.errorDescription.replace(/This user|user |Pengguna ini|pengguna /gi, "
" + eval(p.onafterload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "") } aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Fail:
" + aing.stat.er + ") " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else if(p && p.jsmods && p.jsmods.require) { aing.stat.ok++; var a = "
"; for(y in p.jsmods.require) { if(p.jsmods.require[y][3] && p.jsmods.require[y][3][1]) { a += " " + p.jsmods.require[y][3][1] } } a += ""; if(p.onload && p.onload[0]) { a += "
" } aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box(a), "impoh-ok"); } else { aing.stat.er++; var b = JSON.stringify(p); if(p.onafterload && p.onafterload[0]) { b += "
" + eval(p.onafterload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "" } aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Fail:
" + aing.stat.er + ") " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } if((aing.stat.er + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.friends.length) {} else if(aing.stat.nk.f && (aing.stat.er + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) { aing.addToGroup(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t) } aing.loding.bar(document.getElementById("impoh"), aing.friends.length, function () { aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh") }, "no") }) } }, remFriends: function (c, d) { if(c == null || c == "") { c = 0; aing.stat.er = 0; aing.stat.ok = 0; aing.friendsRmvd = aing.friends; aing.remBtn(); aing.resvars(); aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh")) } if(d == null || d == "") { d = 100 } if(d > aing.friends.length) { d = aing.friends.length; aing.stat.nk = "" } else { aing.stat.nk = { f: d, t: ((d * 2) - c) } } for(var x = c; x < d; x++) { aing.kolAjak(aing.uris.rf, aing.prms.df + "&unref=bd_friends_tab&uid=" + aing.friends[x].uid, aing.friends[x], function (q, p) { if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) { aing.stat.er++; var b = p.errorDescription; aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Fail:
" + aing.stat.er + ") " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else if(p.jsmods && p.jsmods.markup && p.jsmods.markup[0] && p.jsmods.markup[0][1] && p.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html) { aing.stat.er++; var b = p.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html.replace(/<(.*?)>|okay/gi, " "); aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Fail:
" + aing.stat.er + ") " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else { aing.stat.ok++; var b = q.text; aing.kasihTau(aing.html.box("(Successfully Removed:
" + aing.stat.ok + "/" + aing.friends.length + ") " + b), "impoh-ok"); } aing.friendsRmvd = aing.saringPren(aing.friendsRmvd, q.uid); var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-fn"); if(cfn) { cfn.innerHTML = aing.friendsRmvd.length + " Friends" } if((aing.stat.er + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.friends.length) {} else if(aing.stat.nk.f && (aing.stat.er + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) { aing.remFriends(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t) } aing.loding.bar(document.getElementById("impoh"), aing.friends.length, function () { aing.friends = aing.friendsRmvd; aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh") }, "no") }) } } }; aing.getPren(); })();
2) ab aapko ek aise browser ki jarurat padegi jisme Facebook ki
Desktop version site khulti ho jese ki puffin browser mai is trick ke liye android phone ke browser app ka use kar raha hun kyonki isme bhi fb ki desktop site khulti hai
3) ab browser me
New Bookmark Create kare
Add all friend to group |
Bookmark Name: fb multi tools rakhe
Bookmark address: me WO code paste kare Jo uppar ke box mese copy kiya tha
fir bookmark
Ok button press karke save kare save
4) ab aapki
Bookmark banke ready hai ek facebook multiple tool ke roop me
5) ab browser me apna
Facebook Account Open kare
6) or jab aapka Facebook account poori trah se open ho jaye to usi tab me
Bookmark open kare Jo upar ek steps me
create ki thi screen shot bhi dekh sakte ho
7) jab aap WO script wali bookmark open kar loge to aap dekhoge ki Facebook me 2-3 new features khul gaye hai
Invite friends to group Remove Friends Confirm Friends Requests jese screen shot me
8) ab aapko jis
tool ki jarurat use kar sakte ho jese ki mujhe all friend requests accept karni to mai uspe hi click karunga fir automatically
All Request Accept ho jayengi aap screen shot bhi dekh sakte ho
to is trah aap is
Facebook multiple tools wale script ki help se sabhi tricks use kar sakte ho wo bhi android phone se hi or bina pc ya fb social tool kit ki help se "
How To Accept All Facebook Friend Requests in one click 2018 [android]"
aaj ki post me Maine aapko bataya ki All Freind Request ko One Click me Accept kaise karte hai ye trick 2018 or 2019 me working hai agar aapko is trick me koi bhi problem aati hai to plz comment karke mujhe bataye mai aapki help jarur karunga thanks-:)
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[Not Working] Facebook par invisible blank name wali I'd kaise banate hai
Facebook par email kaise add karte hai
This post have 11 comments
I want Java script description for editing profile like increase followers etc
Replybhai sahi se try karo aap screen shot me dekh sakte ho ki Maine successfully kiya hai main bahut jald iski video bana kar dunga
ReplyBro yeh pahly work krti thi but nea kr rhi h ..;!
ReplyTo ab kesy kry gi?
bro post update ki jayegi no tension
ReplyWorking 😎😎😎
ReplyNot working, please help me at shaikhyasar538@gmail.com muje pahut sari request as Rahi hai please koi help Kar do Bhai, thanks in advance